







What kind of bachelor’s degree in psychology from Australia would be recognized by HKPS for membership evaluation?

A Bachelor's degree in psychology from Australia has to include an APAC-accredited 4th-year program (i.e. the Honours year) and cover all the required subjects specified here: for meeting the HKPS membership criteria.

哪些心理學基礎課程是必須的? 課程的教授方式有沒有限制?



















If you are a divisional member and would like to upgrade to Associate Fellow, please complete and submit the AF Application Form (no payment is required at this stage).  Please provide a certificate copy of your master's degree in psychology.  For the relevant work experience, please fill in the application form.  You may be asked to provide a documentary proof if needed.



Nominations to Fellowship are considered at the Annual Fellows’ Meeting, normally held in January of each year. Nominations should be sent in at least three weeks in advance of the meeting. Nominations have to be supported by two recommendations from Members who are of at least the rank of Associate Fellow, one of whom must be a Fellow. Those nominating should be prepared to attend the Fellows meeting and speak to their nominee’s application.



專業註冊 (公眾問題)

Despite having petitioned by HKPS since the 1980s to enact a law to register and regulate professional psychologists, the Government did not agree it was necessary or urgent. So far, psychologists do not need to be professionally licensed or registered to practise in Hong Kong but they have to follow other applicable laws. HKPS will continue to educate the Government and legislators about the need for statutory registration of psychologists in order to protect the public from unregulated or unethical psychological practices.

Since there is no centralized or official registration system in Hong Kong to vet and regulate psychologists, members of the public maybe at higher risk of being served by unqualified, underqualified, or unethical psychologists. What HKPS can do is to carefully vet and regulate its own members. All members of HKPS are bound by the Code of Professional Conduct and breaching the Code may lead to disciplinary action. HKPS has no jurisdiction over a psychologist who is not a Member. You are advised to seek psychological service from psychologists who are bound by a code of professional conduct and being regulated by at least one proper professional organisation that can exercise jurisdiction in Hong Kong.


The updated list of Registered Psychologists is here:


List of Registered Psychologists of HKPS


You can also search their names and professional details from the pull-down menu of the HKPS homepage > Psychologists > Our Registered Psychologists / Find a Psychologist. As this is a relatively new feature of our website, some Registered Psychologists have not yet uploaded their professional information.


Different countries, places, or professional organizations use different names to identify their psychologists being regulated. There is no international standard to follow because of cultural, historical, or other factors for different places. A licence is usually granted by a government or an authority which may impose geographical and time restrictions for practice. The names of the psychologists being regulated are published to facilitate public checking.

AFHKPS (Associate Fellow of HKPS) is a HKPS Member who has a master or doctoral degree in Psychology with at least three years relevant post-qualification experience in Psychology.

FHKPS (Fellow of HKPS) is a HKPS Member who has a master or doctoral degree in Psychology with long-term and significant contribution to Psychology or the profession.

MHKPS is a Graduate Member of HKPS who has joined HKPS after graduated with a degree in Psychology acceptable to the Council of HKPS.

RCP(HKPS) is Registered Clinical Psychologist who is a RP(HKPS) and also a full member of the Division of Clinical Psychology.

RCoP(HKPS) is Registered Counselling Psychologist who is a RP(HKPS) and also a full member of the Division of Counselling Psychology.

REP(HKPS) is Registered Educational Psychologist who is a RP(HKPS) and also a full member of the Division of Educational Psychology.

RIOP(HKPS) is Registered Industrial-Organizational Psychologist who is a RP(HKPS) and also a full member of the Division of Industrial-Organizational Psychology.

RP(HKPS) is Registered Psychologist of HKPS who has two recognised degrees in Psychology, one higher than the other, and has at least one year full-time post-qualification working experience in a discipline of Psychology. RP(HKPS)s must have their names published by HKPS so that the general public has the means to identify them as qualified practitioners who are bound by the Society’s Code of Professional Conduct to provide a safe, effective, reliable and accountable service.


If the psychologist is a Member of HKPS, you should make a complaint to HKPS. If the psychologist is a member or registrant of another professional organization or regulatory body, you can also make a complaint to them following their procedures. If the psychologist is not regulated by any organisations or authorities, you may have to seek legal assistance as to what actions may be taken.

專業註冊 (會員問題)

What are the rights and obligations of a Registered Psychologist of HKPS?

Registered Psychologists have the following rights:

  •  To use the Registered Psychologist title and abbreviations
  •  To publish their professional profiles on HKPS website
  •  To be appointed as members of the Registration Board

Registered Psychologists have the following obligations:

  •  To have their names published by HKPS for public checking
  •  To abide by the HKPS Code of Professional Conduct
  •  To maintain a good standing record
  •  To pay annual membership subscription and renewal fees to HKPS

Who can become a Registered Psychologist and how?

According to the By-Laws of HKPS, the Professional Register of Psychologists of HKPS is open only to current HKPS Members. The Registration Board (RB) is appointed by the Council to vet applications throughout the year. The RB will make recommendations to the Council which will make the order to include the Member into the Professional Register. Members have to pay a fee to join the Register and to pay an annual fee to renew the registration. They can then use the title Registered Psychologist of HKPS.








請先細閱 Guidance NotesAward Categories , 然後填寫及提交Application Form (請以MS Word 格式擲回)



請先閱讀 《 解釋指南 》然後下載及填寫 《投訴表格》及《保密承諾書》 後寄回以下地址:



香港 九龍 紅磡 都會道10號 都會大廈1211室




如果您想透過香港心理學會傳播招聘廣告,請填寫所附的申請表以及傳單/海報(如果有的話),並電郵至[email protected](請以MS Word格式)。
A)通過電子郵件 HK $ 1,000 /一次 或
B)通過網站發布-兩週港幣$ 1,000(在香港心理學會網站上發布>招聘>職位空缺)或
C)以上的兩項-HK $ 1,800。
