

This is my 13th year serving in the Council of HKPS and it is my second term of Presidency. I have learned a lot through this experience and I feel I have matured with HKPS. I promise that I will dedicate my time and energy to help HKPS develop and strengthen as the most important and influential psychological organization in Hong Kong, to serve all members, the public, as well as other professionals who need sound psychological knowledge and advice.

HKPS membership has grown more than doubled over the past 10 years. We now have 3000 members, half of which are professional psychologists while the other half are psychology graduates who are still keenly interested in Psychology. We are very proud of our professional divisions for their strong ability to set professional standards as well as to foster fraternity among psychologists. However, I think we have not done enough to engage and benefit our 1500 graduate members who are not professional psychologists. In the coming year, I will urge the Council to offer more social activities and platforms specially designed for graduate members to participate. We should be facilitating frequent and enjoyable interactions among all types of members. I really hope to see HKPS is benefiting every member and making them feel happy and worthwhile staying as members.

In Spring 2023, the Council has decided to launch a 3-year pilot project to establish HKPS as a learning centre for members, for other professionals, as well as for the public. We have moved to a much bigger office conveniently located in Hung Hom and has equipped it as a training room that can seat up to 50 learners. We can potentially reach hundreds of people through online educational events. Instead of constantly relying on local universities and other organizations to host psychology-related training courses, seminars, talks, and classes, HKPS can now plan and host our own. Members with specialized knowledge can easily make use our venue to spread and exchange their wisdom. Furthermore, HKPS can create short videos there to promote scientific psychology and mental well-being.

To actualize these new initiatives, HKPS needs a lot of helping hands. Members with talents in advertising, marketing, graphic designs, photography, videography, editing, translation, information technology, etc, are encouraged to join our committees and work groups to help make our messages more visible and impactful. HKPS can hire people or commission commercial firms to help us but I think members working together to promote psychology is much more meaningful. Afterall, HKPS belongs to all members. I welcome members to contact me directly for volunteering yourselves to serve HKPS or just suggest new things that HKPS should do.

Last but not the least, I wish to welcome psychologists in the Asia Pacific Region and other parts of the world to contact us for professional exchange and collaboration. We should be learning more from each other. I will personally welcome you to Hong Kong and will arrange our members to show you around the psychological aspects of our community.


Ephraem Tsui, BA, MSc, PhD, RCP, FHKPS

Date: 25 July 2023